Thursday 28 April 2011

I've been abit busy with my uni work, feel bad cause i didn't do anything for three whole dayz in de weekend :O! but a month of uni left, till my hand in date ahhhhhh >_<
The weather this week looks sunny, but quite breezy! and my mother is going Vietnam 2mo for 6 whole weeks!! 
She comes back in June, which is quite a while! and i go on holiday shortly after she comes back! good times!
But bad times, i cant even apply to go New Designers in London, 2 showcase my work :(

I also just received my HSBC security device, tiny little thing it is, has even got a hoop hooked into it, so you can bring it where ever you are. Hopefully, i wont have to keep getting phone calls about fraud cases being used on my card! ¬¬

Friday 15 April 2011

Makeup free day!

So I was on twitter, and saw Whitney Eve Port posting a pledge about make up free day, called Seventeen Beauty Peace Dayand how she took a picture of herself with no makeup on what so ever! Gosh she still loooks goood :(
For those who don't know who she is, she is from a popular tv show called "The Hills", and now has her fashion line etc..

So I decided to take a picture of myself with no makeup on a few days ago. I decided to upload it today, because I've been busy with uni workk!! I look well different with eyeliner, I feel naked without some sort of line underneath my eye lids or, on top :S.. Along with many people who have taken pictures, I advise every1 to do it, and feel out of your comfort zone!  As they say "beauty & confidence comes from within", also I cut my hair like 2 weekz ago. 8 inches or more was chopped of, and I feel good, my hair is feels healthy, but it grows so quick, hence why i cut it shorter than usual! check out Whitney Eve's website to see other people's pictures :)

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Photoshoppping on a Wed!

I was told to wake up early today, earlier than what I'd wake up 4 uni, cause I was meant to go some where..
Didn't go in de end, I could have had a lie in :(
Anyway I starting doing some Photoshop repeat designs, and then my mum took me to find a lamp. I've been searching 4 a lamp that I can put my design's on and work back into 4 a while. Today I found it! Wont post up any pictures, till i actually hand this project in.. :) 
So far I have created 3 photoshop design for de past 5 hours :S lol! 
Will update soon!

Monday 11 April 2011

Easter Holidays!

The Easter Holidays have begun!

But for me, I'm still going to be at uni, working on my final project!
I dont mind so much, as my final project is handed in at de end of next month. So after de end of June, I can relax more :)I was in uni all day, didn't get much done.. As de laser cutter, AS ALWAYS takes agezz!

One of de textile tutors wanted 5 images from my older projects onto a CD and 2 from my new project, for the Arts Thread website. I will post on here de 5 from my older project, as I haven't yet finished my final, so de picturez wont be finalised.
This is my first blog, so bare with me!
My visual of a fire guard, for my Silhouette project.
Birds for my Spirit Project.
A surface using plastic, trapping in pieces, for my curve project.

A lamp I made for my Curve project.
A repeat Photoshop pattern for my silhouette project, Oriental theme.